BlackCow Organic Fertilizer

100% natural, environmentally friendly, high-quality fertilizer that increases soil fertility.
Heat treated by aerobic oxidation method, free from weeds, diseases and nematodes.
Preserves the environment because it does not contain chemicals, sewage residues or chicken waste.
The color of the manure is dark brown slightly tilted to black.
Increased ability to hold water.
The only source of vegetable fertilizer in the Kingdom.
Providing customized mixtures according to the needs of each soil according to the consultant.
It provides plants with a greater ability to fight pests and diseases.
The compost temperature is stable and suitable for the composting process.
It smells like forest soil rich in tree leaves.
It increases the quality of agricultural products and the quantity of the crop.
It helps to increase the shelf life of crops.
Improving the construction of sandy soils.
It works on the cohesion of sandy soil and the disintegration of clay soil.
The best quality and lowest price of organic fertilizer in the Kingdom.
Available in all government associations.
The work is based on specialized doctors and consultants from inside and outside the Kingdom.
Black cow manure contains a high percentage of microorganisms that improve fertility. the soil
Processing nutrients in their simplest form for the plant to benefit from.
Helps absorb nutrients easier.
It is used for all types of gardens and agricultural crops.
The organic matter in black cow manure helps improve soil moisture and maintain moisture.
Helps plants fight pests and diseases.
Reliance in the manufacture of compost on a high-quality advanced stirring machine and enabled plant waste to be shredded.
Black Cow Organic Fertilizer is based on plant residues from Lees Corporation.
It contains nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium.
Provides a balanced diet.


The black cow fertilizer affiliated to the Qitaf Fertilizer Factory, which is one of the first approved factories that was established in the Kingdom, to be one of the pioneers of fertilizer factories in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, and includes a group of senior doctors and consultants specialized in the production of organic fertilizer, which works to contribute In raising the efficiency of irrigation water use, and protecting the environment by adopting the latest technological production methods, to manufacture the best environmentally friendly organic fertilizers with high quality.
The black cow fertilizer affiliated to the Qitaf Fertilizer Factory, which is one of the first approved factories that was established in the Kingdom, to be one of the pioneers of fertilizer factories in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, and includes a group of senior doctors and consultants specialized in the production of organic fertilizer, which works to contribute In raising the efficiency of irrigation water use, and protecting the environment by adopting the latest technological production methods, to manufacture the best environmentally friendly organic fertilizers with high quality.

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BlackCow Organic Fertilizer